Diabetic Health

Just been diagnosed?

When you’re diagnosed with diabetes it can be overwhelming. Your doctor will provide you with a lot of information and ask you a number of questions, including your eating patterns, weight history, blood pressure, medications you might be taking, any family history of heart disease and any treatments you have received for other health problems. If appropriate, the doctor will ask whether you smoke or drink. If you’re a mother you may also be asked about your child or children’s health.
Don't be too alarmed by these questions, your doctor isn’t prying. All of this information has a bearing on your diabetes and how to best manage it.

What you can do

Until a cure is found, if you have diabetes you have it for life. The good news is that by controlling your blood glucose levels you can significantly reduce your risk of developing serious health problems associated with diabetes.
Bringing diabetes under control is key and there’s no one better qualified to do it than you. Taking charge of diabetes doesn’t have to be a full time job, but you do have to be mindful of it 24/7, whether you’re eating, working or going to bed. You’ll have a health care team of people to help you, including your doctor, Credentialled Diabetes Educator, dietician, podiatrist and eye doctor. Ask your doctor about our new diabetic optometry service. The team approach helps you to learn all you need to know about diabetes, treatment and management.

Meet Josie - our credentialed Diabetes Educator

BN, GcertDiabEd, CDE

Josie Ayad is a Credentialed Diabetes Educator with experience in Diabetes care, management and prevention.

Josie offers holistic and evidence based diabetes advice and provides tailored care to meet each persons individual and unique health needs.

Josie is happy to provide consultations in both English and Arabic.

Physical examination

Your doctor will also want do a thorough physical examination, a careful look at your mouth, feet, eyes, abdomen, skin and thyroid gland (a gland at the base of your neck that releases hormones that help your body use energy) and possibly a cardiac (heart) work-up. You’ll have a range of tests, including blood-lipid test for cholesterol.

The initial assessment is important for your overall care. Your doctor will probably also introduce to you the other members of your diabetes team who will be a valuable and reliable resource for support, advice and follow-up assessments.
** We invite more Health Professionals to join our friendly pool of colleagues in our busy practice. Please contact our lovely practice manager - Namarata Malhotra on 03 9363 6101 or send an email to pm@deerparkmedicalcentre.com.au **